The Mommy-Muse Features Dr. Dean Raffelock

Dr. Dean Raffelock, author of A Natural Guide to Pregnancy and Postpartum Health (Avery, 2002) was recently a guest on The Mommy-Muse radio show.  Search under ‘Content Library’ for his November 18th broadcast to hear A Natural Approach to Postpartum Recovery.    A Natural Approach to Postpartum Recovery Are you pregnant, have you just had a baby, or do … Continue reading

Light Therapy Useful for Depression During Pregnancy

Bright-light therapy may be an effective treatment for depression in pregnant women. The availability of an easy-to-use, potentially non-toxic antidepressant — light therapy — in pregnancy is a clinically attractive option.

The researchers conducted a pilot experiment to see whether exposure to bright light, a technique used to treat those suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or winter depression, might also work on women suffering from depression during pregnancy

Study Links High Copper Levels to Postpartum Anxiety Reactions

New research sheds light on what may be an underlying cause of postpartum depression, and may help explain why some women suffer more extreme cases of PPD.

Researchers have identified a pattern of elevated copper levels in the blood of women with a history of the condition. “In our study, we looked at zinc and copper levels in 78 women who suffered from PPD after completed pregnancies, and compared them with a group of 148 mothers without a history of PPD, and also with a group of 28 non-depressed women,” said John Crayton, M.D. Dr. Crayton is a professor of psychiatry at Loyola University

Guest Author Series: Dr. Dean Raffelock and Dr. Hyla Cass

The human body is entirely formed from nutrients. Every muscle, organ, gland, bone, cell, and fluid is composed entirely of nutrients (environmental toxins notwithstanding). All of the neurotransmitters, hormones, biochemical structures, and metabolic pathways are formed from nutrients.
There is no other normal physiological process that drains more nutrients than pregnancy, giving birth, and caring for a new infant which may include breastfeeding. The fact that a mother’s body donates all the nutrients required to form her baby’s body is too often overlooked when it comes to the medical treatment of PPD. Not only does the placenta literally rob the mother’s body of all the key nutrients required to make another human being, but the placenta itself is formed from nutrients taken from the mother’s body.